Leontina Vladyslavivna Lozova

Leontina Vladyslavivna Shcherbina (married to Lozovyi) was born on October 2, 1958 in Kyiv in the family of two of the most talented Ukrainian porcelain sculptors of the 20th century. Oksana Zhnikrup and Vladyslav Shcherbyna. in the 80s  acquired the character of a profession with a diploma from the printing faculty of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (a branch of the Lviv Printing Institute named after I. Fedorov).

From July 14, 1986 to May 15, 1991, the artist worked as a sculptor at KECAF. 

In her work, the artist sought to revive, like Oksana Zhnikrup, the spirit of “old aristocratic romance”, to harmonize the world by means of white, clean, fragile, sonorous and translucent porcelain. for the artist, this perception of the world is organic. The work of Leontina Vladyslavivna is similar in theme to the individual works of her father, Vladyslav Shcherbyna.