Moldavan Hryhoriy Mykhailovych

Hryhoriy Mykhailovych Moldavan was born on October 13, 1928.

In 1950, he graduated from the Luhansk Art School (specialist teacher - Victor Mukhin, student of Leonora Bloch and Josephine Dindo). He then continued his education at the Kyiv Art Institute.

One of the first works of the master was a little boy, made in the manner of Meissen.

Eventually, the artist will look for his own style. After Grigory Moldavan's early works - "Harvest Festival" ("Obzhynky", 1958-59), performed in co-authorship with plastic artist Oksana Zhnikrup, the work "Girl with Geese" (1959), several interesting series appear, completely different in plastic modeling . "Sports" (7 works: 2 boxers, a discus thrower, a shot putter, 2 football players, a weightlifter), Hammer miners (4 works with a continuous covering of underwater cobalt). In the 60s, the artist performed the landmark works "Kozhumyak", "Fire Horse" (1960).

He worked for six years at KECAF. The search for formative solutions in which the sculpture has its own internal space, volume and sense of time was characteristic of the master. The sculpture "Kateryna" was donated to Canada by the Ministry of Culture.